Azure Devops Bypass policy when code push - Glimpse
Devops is a culture most of the organizations embrace it. In this article let's see what is branch policy in Azure Devops (ADO).
Before that, we need to know what is policy (aka) Branch policy in ADO
Branch policy has set of policies to be applied on the branch typically main. By that we avoid accidental activity. Few are as
- Reviewers required to view the code change before move to main/master branch
- work item - ADO's user story / task / bug etc., any of the item number should be linked
Consider a scenario that your organization's existing project has some policies like most recent code pusher can not push code again.
Very rare case may happen or not, a senior developer needs a exclusion to fix an urgent pre-prod/production incident. So He/She does not want to be in that case. They want to push their code often when discussing with client manager or customer
So, how can we override the branch policy of ADO for an user
In the project settings -> Repositories -> Select your repository -> Security -> User permission
Here the senior developer would be under a group like project Administrators, Contributor etc., Choose the correct group then select Bypass policies when pushing is while code push the one we require here and click Allow
Now that senior developer can push his/her code often
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