Azure Generally Available(GA) missing 🧐 - Are you not able to see the latest release of an azure service?
#cloud #azure
Hi All!
When we come to know an update from azure, we may need to implement in the existing resource or creating a new azure resource.
For example, You have an azure app service running with Premium SKU which need to be upgraded to the latest released GA or need to create a new App service with latest release SKU.
Let's take one of the latest GA of the below premium V3 (PV3) SKU.
Premium SKU are good for web app / app services which are production based workloads.
- P0V3 - Cost effective
- P*mv3 - Memory optimized
- P1mv3
- P2mv3
- P3mv3
- P4mv3
- P5mv3
Ok. Let's jump into the topic
Now you're trying to create an app service with either P0V3 or P1mv3 but you were not able to find that SKU even after multiple tries like changing resource groups or creating new resource groups, and changing some regions.
At one point of time, you could see those above SKU and got surprised and now you come to know the selected azure region has these SKU but how can you know which all regions have these SKU(s)?
Yes. what you think is correct. Most of the Latest release/GA will not be available in all regions mostly.
To know it, we can use azure CLI command as below and we can save some time.
az appservice list-locations --sku P0V3 --output table
The above command returns few regions/locations as North Europe, North Central US, West Central US, West US 2 only where the latest GA SKU(s) are available as of now. Other regions will not have the SKU(s) until further news from azure/Microsoft
Please look into the below image(s).
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