Azure - DDoS IP Protection
#cloud #azure
Hi All!
Security is one of the main pillar and inevitable in cloud irrespective of providers (Microsoft, Amazon, Google).
Attackers do attacks mostly on publicly accessible resources which all are easily reachable than private resources.
There are many type of attacks. Azure gives us the IP Protection SKU Generally Available for DDoS Protection to defend our public IP(s)
Let's recall what is DDoS attack? Attackers send request from multiple/various sources against our resource. So that resource would be flooded or overwhelmed by large amount of requests. By this attack, legitimate users could not access the system which is inaccessible.
We can apply Azure DDoS IP protection on individual IP or organizational level (VNet).
It incurs some cost. so before implement, we need to pay attention but it is fixed mostly per resource.
Note: This feature is only available for Standard SKU, not for Basic as of now.
Azure DDoS Protection overviewYou can have a look into the pricing page as well
Azure DDoS Pricing
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