Avoid YAML Validation error in azure devops pipeline
Hi All!
Consider a scenario that you committed a YML CI/CD file on the repository with some syntax, indentation and/or other error(s). so that pipeline failed.
After you find some errors and rectified in the repository file and committed again but pipeline still gets failed because some errors are still there.
Now you afraid that even if you fixed error in all the places, what happens if pipeline failed again because your project lead or manager set up build notification mail trigger for build success and fails.
you need to answer them for build fail reason.
Azure devops pipelines offers YAML validation feature after altered and before committed and before run pipeline.
To utilize this feature, what we do is, Instead of modifying the file from repository, Do as below
- Go to the specific build
- click "Edit Pipeline"
- Modify/fix errors and click "validate" as shown in the picture below
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