Recover the deleted secrets from azure key vault
Azure Key Vault is one of the important services from azure to used to store keys, secrets for data protection
Consider a scenario that you stored an application secret in the key vault where the app secret expiry is 1 year. Your tech lead / manager asks you to have the max year as possible. Azure portal lets us to have 2 year maximum whereas through powershell you can create more than 2 years too.
Unfortunately, Azure keyvault does not allow us to modify/update the secret value. so the only way is to delete that secret and create a new secret with same name.
Some of the time we face challenges like getting error as conflicting while create a secret with the name of deleted as soon as deleted the old one.
Newbie will get panic and anxiety because new secret is not able to created and also how and where to recover the delete one.
we need not worry to recover the deleted one. Please look into the below image to see how and from where we can recover.
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