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Write and append data into a file in Linux Hi guys! we already started and learnt some linux commands and as I mentioned earlier, in this article we are going to see / refresh about writing and appending data into a file in Linux. We're going to see the below commands usage in Linux. touch - To create a file cat - To read a file ls - list the current directory files > - To write data into a file >> - To append data into a file Please look into the below image.
Recover the deleted secrets from azure key vault Azure Key Vault is one of the important services from azure to used to store keys, secrets for data protection Consider a scenario that you stored an application secret in the key vault where the app secret expiry is 1 year. Your tech lead / manager asks you to have the max year as possible. Azure portal lets us to have 2 year maximum whereas through powershell you can create more than 2 years too. Unfortunately, Azure keyvault does not allow us to modify/update the secret value. so the only way is to delete that secret and create a new secret with same name. Some of the time we face challenges like getting error as conflicting while create a secret with the name of deleted as soon as deleted the old one. Newbie will get panic and anxiety because new secret is not able to created and also how and where to recover the delete one. we need not worry to recover the deleted one. Please look into the below image to see how a
create and read a file in Linux As a cloud and Devops engineers, we need to know to work with Linux is always helpful to handle some critical situations. There are multiple ways to create and read a file in Linux. In this article we're going to learn about touch command. Let's work with followings in this article pwd - To show present working directory touch - To create an empty file ls - To list the files from the current directory echo - To display message as well as write into a file. '>' - write into a file. '>>' - append it to a file cat - To read content of file we'll see writing and appending into a file in my upcoming post.
Difference between failed() vs succeededorFailed() in Devops YAML Every organizations embrace Devops culture for CI & CD. Nowadays, everybody prefers YAML which is IaC (Infrastructure as Code) instead of classic UI editor. YAML consists main components as stages, jobs, steps, tasks.... etc., Based on the requirement, Devops engineers need to apply conditions on pipline between tasks or jobs or stages. what is condition? when I want to run a task or job based on some condition like only when my preferred another job failed or succeeded. Here I job1 and job2. I need to run job2 only if job1 fails. Let's see the difference between failed() and succeededorFailed() through the below image.
Find Global user details of Git from DOS/powershell We might confiure git repository some days back and due to some other deviated tasks, we might not use the repo for long time. When we want to make changes on those repository and check-in, we would like to know the global settings of the git repository. consider an example/scenaio that we might created an azure function app using python 3 months back and it is working fine. Later, we moved to networking or Infra related tasks. So, we might not touch the function app, since it is running well so far. Now we would like to know what is in my global configuration because we would have our organization mail id and customer domain mail id. Devops can have either or both of the account. The below image shows you how to find the git global user name and mail confiured in the local machine.
Clear Run history from Azure Logic App In Azure cloud Logic App is one of the main services in development. we may be using Logic app for testing from the development background. After it works as expected, we can use the same, but it has the previous history at that time of testing. How can we delete those history? Is there any option we have in Azure portal? As of now, azure portal does not have a feature to delete history. There may be option(s) to do that via Azure CLI, powershell etc., This article talks about how we can accomplish the same thing using REST API. Go to the below URL and pass the required values.