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Azure - Shared Access Signature (SAS) - Account key vs User Delegation #cloud #azure Hi All! I would say Azure storage account is a long last service. Whatever the services overcome one another, azure storage stays active. For example, we can take a .NET web application which can be hosted in IIS of a Azure VM, App service with or without Docker, Function app for event based. Here based on requirements App service sometimes overcome VM and function app overcomes rest of others and so on. When we use any of the cloud service, security is one of the main pillar need to consider. Here we are going to talk about Blob storage account access granting to customer or somebody else who requires it. Consider a scenario that customer application place a file, it would be csv or JSON or XML what ever it may be but a single type. Let's take JSON here. We need to allow some people to access that file. Here we have two questions as below Who are those some people whether
Azure Static Web Apps - Plan Comparison #cloud #azure Hi All! Azure Static web app is a good service when we have static web apps like javacript frameworks and libraries applictions (Ex: Angular, React, Svelte, Vue, Blazor). It also supports Python 3.10 based static web app as well as per the latest azure news. Other advantage of it is coupled with your Azure AD. so that your code can be directly pushed to azure static web app via either Azure DevOps or Github whenever code push occurs. At the time of azure static web app creation, it asks for deployment source as any one of the below. Based on the selection, it allows you to select the organization, project and repositories from the source. Azure DevOps - Azure AD connected Devops organizations will be listed out Github Other - For ex: If you want to deploy code from other organization. Below table will be helpful to choose the best pricing plan for your workload. Plan/Feature Free Standard
Terraform format - tips & tricks #cloud #terraform Hi All! As many of us know that terraform is one of the popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool/mechanism which is cloud agnostic as well. We had already seen about the usage of terraform console in my one of the posts. In today's post we're going to see about terrafor fmt Some of the times when we do minor change on terraform files, there may alignment issues happen. Even it won't harm the process of deployment but due to disordered format, difficult to read the file(s) by user. Some/most of us use the below commands typically terraform init terraform plan terraform validate terraform apply Even though, we play with above main commands, terraform fmt (format) is also an additional command helps to align terraform files. So hereinafter we will use terraform fmt as the first command in our devops pipeline. Please look into the below image.
Azure - Alert Rule Duplication saves some time #cloud #azure Hi All! Apart from resource(s) provisioning, it is responsibility of admins to enable some monitor mechanishm for resorce(s) health too as per customer need. When some unexpected or predicted conditions met, it should alert the customer to take some precautions and avoid the whole resource/application becomes inacccessible. This article is not going to describe about creating alert(s) instead we are going to see the Duplicating Alert in azure portal. Some of you would have a question that why should I duplicate it? I can create it instead right? Your thought is correct. Below are the main components we need to consider while creating alerts Scope - single resource level or resource group level or subscription level Condition - Signals - Http errors or health check or Http 4xx etc., Actios - Notification to Action Group - email or SMS or voice etc and Actions - trigger function app or logic app
Terraform console terminal tips & tricks #cloud #terraform Hi All! Terraform is one of the popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool/mechanism which is cloud agnostic as well. It simplifies the immutable infrastructure building across various environments like Dev, QA, UAT and Prod etc., When we/beginner start to practise terraform commands before using azure devops or Github actions CI/CD pipeline, try via applying below coomands in either CMD or powershell. terraform init terraform plan terraform validate terraform apply Even though, we play with main above commands, terraform console give us the feel of internal play ground. Please look into the below image.
Azure API Management - private link support for all pricing tiers #cloud #azure #apim Hi All! Azure API Management offers a scalable, multi-cloud API management platform for securing, publishing, and analyzing APIs. Here before only Developer and premium tiers of APIM can utilize virtual network feature. Now all of the tiers can utilize the features of private endpoint. Below table shows you the availabilty of VNET and private endpoint in each tier Pricing Tier Supports Developer both VNET and private endpoint Basic only private endpoint standard only private endpoint Premium both VNET and private endpoint Consumption only private endpoint Please look into the below image for an example.
Azure App Service - Azure takes care of authentication. You can focus on your business logic #cloud #azure #appservice Hi All! Azure app service is one of the main service from azure to host a web application. It provides many features like scaling, network isolation etc., Authentication is one of the main area to focus for securing the application access to allow only the eligible users access the application. Consider if an organization has an requirement for authentication, developer would create a new table for username and password and would maintain that table for user addition and removal earlier days. This is the one of the trickiest and daunting task which should handle carefully because when a user left from the project his/her account should also removed from application access here. So it will consume some additional hours for developers when they should focus on the core business logic. Nowadays organization needs different type of authentication(s)