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Showing posts from May, 2023
Azure - Change custom lookback period for Azure Advisor VM/VMSS right-sizing recommendations #cloud #azure Hi All! Azure Advisor advises/recommeds us to optimize our cloud resources in various places like scaling, security, sizing, performace, cost etc., Now azure releases a new feature that changing lookback period for azure VM/VMSS to get right sizing. Let's consider a scenario that a company is running business and it has some workloads in either azure VM or VMSS. Some of the times VM's usage like CPU or memory is high. Due to this, application performace may be slower adnd user feels some bad experience. Company asks its azure admin to investigate it and when he/she viewd at azure advisor first, it recommends some solution based on last 7 days usage of VM. Here, Company needs the VM usage details biweekly or in someother pattern, not with the default 7 days. Here the new custom lookback period helps to achieve what the company wants. By this featur...