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Showing posts from March, 2023
Terraform console terminal tips & tricks #cloud #terraform Hi All! Terraform is one of the popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool/mechanism which is cloud agnostic as well. It simplifies the immutable infrastructure building across various environments like Dev, QA, UAT and Prod etc., When we/beginner start to practise terraform commands before using azure devops or Github actions CI/CD pipeline, try via applying below coomands in either CMD or powershell. terraform init terraform plan terraform validate terraform apply Even though, we play with main above commands, terraform console give us the feel of internal play ground. Please look into the below image.
Azure API Management - private link support for all pricing tiers #cloud #azure #apim Hi All! Azure API Management offers a scalable, multi-cloud API management platform for securing, publishing, and analyzing APIs. Here before only Developer and premium tiers of APIM can utilize virtual network feature. Now all of the tiers can utilize the features of private endpoint. Below table shows you the availabilty of VNET and private endpoint in each tier Pricing Tier Supports Developer both VNET and private endpoint Basic only private endpoint standard only private endpoint Premium both VNET and private endpoint Consumption only private endpoint Please look into the below image for an example.
Azure App Service - Azure takes care of authentication. You can focus on your business logic #cloud #azure #appservice Hi All! Azure app service is one of the main service from azure to host a web application. It provides many features like scaling, network isolation etc., Authentication is one of the main area to focus for securing the application access to allow only the eligible users access the application. Consider if an organization has an requirement for authentication, developer would create a new table for username and password and would maintain that table for user addition and removal earlier days. This is the one of the trickiest and daunting task which should handle carefully because when a user left from the project his/her account should also removed from application access here. So it will consume some additional hours for developers when they should focus on the core business logic. Nowadays organization needs different type of authentication(s)...
Azure Function App - How to connect azure in Visual Studio Code #cloud #azure #functionapp Hi All! As an azure developer and/or administrator, we need to work on some code part on azure function app or logic app using Visual Studio Code sometimes. Consider a scenario that you have runtime stack of python based azure function which can be acceptable only by Linux based OS in azure as showed in the below first image. Linux based azure functions can not be editable in azure portal for code chage and save. So, we need to go for IDE. Here we can take VS Code because no license required. This post shows you how to connect/ sign-in and sign-out to and from your azure account in VS code. VS Code has UI option for sign-in to azure but not for sign-out. You have to use Command Palatte for sign-out. Please look into the below image(s) Image for sign-in and sign-out of azure in VS code
Azure Logic App - Adding comment(s) is one of the best practices. #cloud #azure #logicapp Hi All! As a azure developer and/or administrator, we need to work on new and/or existing Logic App(s). If it is new, we are happy to start from the scratch. Consider a scenario that you deployed into a team where you have 15+ logic apps in each environment like Dev, UAT and Prod. Before work on those Logic apps, we need to study the workflow (trigger and actions). Existing Logic App UI will not tell you the action type. To know the action type, one way is that you have to go to Logic app code view which is a JSON representation of the workflow where you can find the type of all actions. Even though we can see the type(s) from JSON as stated above, we could not know the intention or business purpose of that action. Here we can add comments on each action which is missed most of the time. Let's see how we can add comment on each action in Logic app. So that, when othe...
Powershell Tip - How to show 2 consecutive write-host results in same line Hi All! When we perform some adminitration activities in powershell and would like to see result at the time of execution, we use Write-Host Typically write-host prints the result and sends cursor to the next line. Consider a scenario where your perform some operations via powershell and want to print the result of 2 consective write-host in the same line. How can we override the nature behaviour of rite-host? Is there any way? Here is an example scenario ...... write-host $result1 $opr = object; ...... ...... ...... write-host $result1 Now I want the output of $result1 and $results should be in the same line. Have a look into the below image where we have accomplish the task using nonewline
Prevent azure Backup&Recovery Service Vault's recovery point deletion before it really expires Hi All! Here before we might be able to delete the recovery point before it gets expired in Backup Vault (BV) and Recovery Service Vault (RSV) but now we can overcome some accidental deletion by restricting it. Azure offers a feature called immutability which prevents the deletion of recovery point from azure BV and RSV until it really gets expired. This feature is reversible by default(i.e. you can enable and disable from properties at any time). This option is not only at the time of creation. you can enable it even in the existing RSV and/or BV from their properties. You can make the immutable irreversible too by locking immutability. Please look into the below image(s) Enable immutability option in new vault Enable vault immutability option in existing vault
Cool Feature! Virtual Machine Scale Set with spot and standard VMs (Spot Priority Mix) Hi All! Azure offers spot and standard mixed virtual machine scale sets feature generally available now. First, Let us refresh what is meant by spot ? Spot is nothing but azure offers some unused azure capacity VMs with uncertainity i.e for example, azure finds/has some VMs capacity unused which can be assigned/allocated to you based on your request with low cost than PAYG but azure can terminate/discontinue the spot allocated VM when it is requested by Pay-as-you-go-user. Here before, VMSS had only standard (PAYG) VM without spot but now we can get VMs with both spot and standard mixed. Please find the below steps and picture This feature works only in Flexible Orchestration Mode. So choose Flexible instead of Uniform. Check the "Run with Azure Spot discount" Click Next "Spot" Check the "Scale with VMs and Spot VMs" Mention the total number o...
Wow! Monitor web apps running in azure VM and VMSS via app insights Hi All! Application insights monitors the telemetry of web applications, function app, APIM and etc., Consider a scenario that your organization has some web applications hosted in IIS of an azure VM and they want to monitor performance of those applications. Azure VM was not the eligible candidate to map with Application insights then how can we monitor app(s) running inside azure VM? Now azure offers the feature of monitoring azure vm's web applications through application insights generally available. Please follow the below steps and have a look into the picture You need to have a connection string of an existing application insights. If have, copy it. Go to the VM which has web apps running in IIS Click "Extension+applications" and then click Add Find Application insights agent for .NET and click next Paste the copied connection string of app insights and click Review+Cre...
View powershell history and invoke Hi All! When you do administration activities, you may need to work around with multiple commands in powershell. It is bit difficul to remember all the commands we tried because some of them may be fetched from internet. Consider you tried more than 100 commands in current powershell session and may require to try the same large command. One of the way is you can press up arrow many times to see the previously tried command. we have another easy way is to see the history and invoke it by using its order number instead of whole command typing. Please look into the below example
Powershell Set Execution Policy ways Hi All! Execution policy acts as a controller which limits the script execution and loads confguration files in powershell. For example, I need not my powershell to run scripts which I downloaded from internet which does not have digital signature. To achieve it, I need to set the execution policy as RemoteSigned. Let's see the example how to see the current execution policy and change it from the below illustration. we have different types of execution policies in powershell AllSigned ByPass RemoteSigned Default Unrestricted Restricted Undefined
New Easy Powershell Editor Hi All! There are some editors for powershell scripting but we typically prefer editor based on our conveniences. It is good to know about some editors even though we are not using it. we use windows powershell or powershell ISE or VS Code or even notepad but some editors provide additional features like intellisense for ex: (pwsh ISE) when compared with notepad. In this post, we are going to see a new editor called PSEditor which offers below main features over other editors. Showing errors/syntax errors without executing script. Instead of whole script execution, we can execute the selected part. Auto formatting/alignment of script using ctrl+shift+R Please look into the below image and try at your end. Happy Learning and Enjoy!